Beyond the classroom´s borders, knowledge is transmitted via actions concerning citizenship, games, playful activities and arts.

That is the way to develop a complete human being, who is able to change life´s game. Activities involving reading, writing, physical education, capoeira, informatics, dance, music, toy library/ game library, dialogues about sexuality and diversity were part of the vast repertoire of the Changing the Game Program, exercised in Vila Albertina, in São Paulo.

Integral Education is the program´s base, which takes in considerationthe development of the child, adolescent and young people as much as the relationships established in the context: family, school and community.

The 2015 interdisciplinary work was led by Technology, chosen by the educators, children and adolescents, and developed through its multiple meanings, related to the daily experiences. The closing of the project took place during the Cultural Fair in November, with presentations and exhibitions, shared with the families and friends of the participants, as well as with the Community.

Thematic workshops fostered the student´s autonomy and interaction, via activities such as hockey, basket beat, rhythmic gymnastics, chess games, football, mosaic arts, guitar, maculelê, berimbau, massage and relaxing sessions.

There were also opportunities to find what is different, with the organization of activities involving positive attitudes and values, such as the respect to others, valuing and accepting the differences.

These events were entitled as D Day – Different Day and represented three editions along the year. Other activities such Carnival, Birthday of the Month, Children´s Week, Reading Day, Black Awareness Day, and Vacation Project also served to put the participants in contact with other routines, spaces and life experiences, thus expanding the interactions of the children and adolescents. The external activities promoted the promenade in the city, visiting cultural, sports and leisure spaces.

The family´s participation was fundamental to reach the program´s objectives. There were 13 meetings along the year, always approaching subjects concerning common interests involving the family. The meetings were well attended and rated as “excellent” by 85% of the attendees.

Monitors´ education is another strategy used in the Program, the objective being the investment in young people which are multipliers of attitudes and knowledge, preparing them to act with as persons and protagonists.

The teenagers have practical and theoretical education, besides a monthly scholarship. Focused on the practical aspects, the monitors develop activities with children and teenagers, supervised by an educator. The theoretical education is divided in specific activities (ministered by a monitor) and common activities, approaching issues related to youth´s development, such as sexuality, life project, citizenship, professional guidance, among others.



children and teenagers, from 7 to 14 years of age, directly assisted by

monitors, from 15 to 18 years of age

days of activities in the morning period.

days of activities in the afternoon period

of the children and teenagers attend the activities satisfactorily

days of educational activities

young people attend the classes satisfactorily

of the classes with satisfactory level of learning regarding Reading, Writing, Physical Education, Capoeira,
Dance and Music

of the classes with satisfactory level concerning competence
in social relations

of the young monitors with satisfactory global achievements

of the children and teenagers presently like the learning activities

of the children and teenagers feel better about themselves and much more skilled


affirmed that Gol de Letra´s activities changed the families in some ways. Among them, we can affirm that the sons and daughters:


  • Became more responsible
    and more disciplined.
  • Have more respect for
    each other.
  • Make friends and communicate better.
  • Presented school improvements.
  • Play more and practice more sports activities.
  • Learned many new subjects (informatics, for instance)



of the children and teenagers
are more capable to do their
own choices

of the children and teenagers
are able to expose their ideas
in a better way

of the children and teenagers improved their school performance


“The workshop in sexuality taught us several things, such as body care, sexually transmitted diseases, masculine and feminine preservatives, diaphragm, day-after pill, among others. We also learned that we cannot accept woman bashing and prejudices, like homophobia and racism. In summary, we learned may things during this year, it was very educative”.

Rafael P. Silva, 13 years of age, 8th grade of Fundamental School, 6 years in the Changing the Game Project.


“Gol de Letra taught me many things. I took part in Changing the Game for 6 years and a half, and now my brother is taking part in it. We always take what we learn here to our homes, the playful activities, the learning experiences (computing, arts, music, among other things). The activities congregate the community via specific events like Street Carnival, Hiking, Leisure Street, with the participation of persons which do not belong to Fundação Gol de Letra. People´s mind set is upon good things. The evening courses also teach very good things“.

Tayná Souza Lacerda, ex-participant of the Program and sister of Kauê Souza Braga, 10 years of age, 3rd grade of the Fundamental School, three years in the Changing the Game Program.


“In a general way, the children´s viewin relation to the community changed a lot. The activities, the used colours, the way to do things, the dialogue in the family, the manufacture of toys using recycling material, the recovery of games of the infancy, they all indicate the change.

Kelli Priscila Ferreira, mother of Pietro Siciliano Ferreira Santiago Oliveira, 9 years of age, 4th grade of Fundamental School, 3 years in Changing the Game Program.