Projects and Programs

Open Game Program - Caju

Caju, Rio de Janeiro
Selo Educação Integral

The Jogo Aberto Caju program offers sports practices, integral education and strengthening of sports and leisure culture for children, adolescents and young people from 07 to 17 years old living in Caju neighborhoods. Regular activities are carried out during school hours. In addition, the program also promotes sports festivals, integration games, walks and events open to the community.

In 2018, the program tripled its tennis-related openings and incorporated adult gym practice into its activities. There was also a process of integration with other territorial agents, such as E.M. Marechal Esperidião Rosas, as well as the expansion of participation in external events and the programming of internal festivals.

This program fits ODS:

  • Saúde e Bem-Estar
  • Educação de Qualidade
  • Igualdade de Gênero
  • Redução das Desigualdades
  • Paz, justiça e instituições eficazes


448 direct assistances In FGL: 310 students + 40 adults + 06 young monitors Other numbers


