Sports as a transformation tool

Sports is part of Gol de Letra’s identity!

The Foundation´s programs have always been based on the principles of Integral Education, Educational Sports, and Participation, viewing the integral development of children, teenagers and young people in the respective communities.

Besides being a citizen´s right, Sports is a social-cultural issue, improving life quality, besides linking people and groups.

Therefore, Gol de Letra understands that sports practice is essential to the personal integral development, as it promotes inclusion and social interaction, it fosters autonomy, friendship, effective space use, value learning and respect to diversity; it also propitiates a democratic relationship and the observance of individual and collective interests, besides being beneficial to people´s health. Supported by all these motives, we believe that sports has an important role as social transformer!


Fundação Gol de Letra believes networking is key to our methodology. Partnering with public organs, companies and other NGOs is an efficient way to amplify services and protection to our targeted audience.

Wether our partners are local and present in the territories we work with, or wether we partner with nation-wide organizations that help us with sports for human development and gender equality, the collaboration, exchange of experiences and common efford help us to implement safe and qualified social actions to guarantee rights and political representation to make real transformations for the fragile fragments of society we work with.

As of now, Fundação Gol de Letra colaborates with the following networks: Sports for Social Change Networks (REMS), Vila Albertina Network, Girls and Gender Equality Network (REMIG), Intersetorial Network of Caju, Laureus Brasil Network and Laureus Learning Community on Sports for Good.

Personal and Professional Development

Gol de Letra Foundation understands that the role of an organization that works in social-economic vulnerable communities is offering opportunities and possibilities to young people, giving them the knowledge, practice, experience and dialogue they need.

The idea is promoting activities that answer to the educational and social requirements, expanding the educational and cultural possibilities, the development, the autonomy, as well as citizenship awareness.

Therefore, concerning Youth, Gol de Letra´s focus is on three axels: Employability, Education of Monitors, and Arts & Communication. These are the themes of the programs and projects for the young people, developed via technical and certification courses; education of multiplying agents, employability workshops, life projects, and artistic language workshops. We try to comprehend different interests and demands in relation to the youth´s education, professional possibilities, income generation, personal and family aspects, and above all, propitiating favorable conditions to its complete development.

Full Time Model School

The E.E. Dr. Sócrates Brasileiro is a public educational institution that started at the begining of 2016 where it once was the headquarters of Fundação Gol de Letra for 16 years. It is the first public full time fundamental school in the Vila Albertina community, after Gol de Letra articulated with the São Paulo State Government to implement a curriculum inspired in our methodology. It now shares spaces with Fundação Gol de Letra to promote night-time and weekend activities.

Learn more about the establishment of the Foundation in the book “Gol de Letra: 10 years of a Real History”, available in PDF in the link Publication.

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